Class ConfigurationFactory

This class offers a fluent, extensible and strongly typed DSL for creating Eligius configurations.


Building a configuration using the factory To initialize a basic configuration to start off of:

const factory = new ConfigurationFactory()
.init("en-US") // Define the default language
.addLanguage("en-US", "English") // Add English as a supported language
.addLanguage("nl-NL", "Nederlands") // Add Dutch as a supported language
.setLayoutTemplate("<div class=\"main.container\"></div>") // Add the main container for the presentation
.setContainerSelector("#ct-container") // Selector for the element in the body that will contain the presentation
.addTimeline( // Add a first timeline
'timeline-1', // Give it a name
"animation", // This is RAF based timeline
200, // The duration of the timeline in seconds
false, // The presentation does NOT play in a loop
".timeline-container" // The element within the main layout (defined by the layoutTemplate) in which the timeline will be rendered
.editTimelineProviderSettings() // Add a timeline provider
.addProvider("animation") // One that provides timelines for type 'animation'
.setSystemName("RequestAnimationFrameTimelineProvider") // The system name of the provider
.setVendor("eligius") // Eligius is the vendor in this case
.end(); // This finally returns the ConfigurationFactory instance

Then to add an init action:

.addStartOperationByType(getQueryParams, {
defaultValues: { username: "guest" },
.addStartOperationByType(setGlobalData, { properties: ["queryParams"] });

After that, add a timeline action:

factory.createTimelineAction("timeline-1", "AddIntroContainer")
.addDuration(0, 10)
.addStartOperationByType(selectElement, { selector: ".timeline-container" })
.addStartOperationByType(setElementContent, {
template: '<div class="intro-text"></div>',
.addEndOperationByType(selectElement, { selector: ".intro-text" })
.addEndOperationByType(removeElement, {});

It also possible to extend the factory with specialized creation methods for the particular configuration you are building:

function addImage(this: ConfigurationFactory, actionName: string, imageSrc: string, imageId: string) {
.addStartOperationByType(selectElement, { selector: ".timeline-container" })
.addStartOperationByType(createElement, { element: 'img', attributes: {src: imageSrc, imageId} })
.addStartOperationByType(setElementContent, { insertionType: "append" })
.addEndOperationByType(selectElement, { selector: `#${imageId}` })
.addEndOperationByType(removeElement, {});

const customFactory = ConfigurationFactory.extend(factory, "addImage", addImage);

customFactory.addImage("MyImageActionName", "my-image.png", "my-image-id");

Finally, retrieve the configuration and save it:

import fs from "fs";

const configuration = customFactory.getConfiguration();

fs.writeFileSync("/my/path/configuration.json", JSON.stringify(configuration), {encoding:'utf-8'})

The ConfigurationFactory can also be used to edit an existing configuration. In this case, simply pass the JSON configuration to the ConfigurationFactory's constructor:

import myConfiguration from './my-configuration.json';

const factory = new ConfigurationFactory(myConfiguration);



  • ConfigurationFactory



actionCreatorFactory: ActionCreatorFactory
configuration: IEngineConfiguration


  • Type Parameters

    • T extends ConfigurationFactory

    • K extends string | number | symbol

    • C extends ConfigurationFactoryExtension


    • factory: T
    • extensionMethodName: K
    • extensionMethod: C

    Returns T & {
        [k in string | number | symbol]: C

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